Awakening: Quail in a Pine Tree
What is NotLost in yesterday's years
the mind's eye expands into the present brings life to what might have been and definition to what is not. Beyond understanding the soul's heart reaches into the mind's eye brings grace to what might have been and being to what is not. Deep in the now the heart's body becomes the grace of being flows through yesterday's years into the mind's eye. Deep in the now what is not becomes what is. GatheringToo much reaching out pulls too much in
jangling the senses and disturbing the soul which cries "If you cannot see You are looking too hard." Rest carefully with what you have gathered. Gather no more until your gatherings have been woven into the essence of being until past, present, future have become now. TruthTruth is what we make of it:
a stirring wind beneath the wings of time released from fear and shadowed into wakefulness In single breath are life and death combined. Essence of BeingA potato is a humorous thing
filled with beans Add sauce and cheese, and it becomes ironic: in our creating we lose the essence of what really is LimitsGeese call
and I yearn to follow certain I could fly if only I could remember how God calls and I duck my head in shame knowing my own limits Way of the LabyrinthEnter the labyrinth, walk it slowly
sacred stillness caresses ruffled fears. Walk the way, come to center spirit source and well of unshed tears. Walk the way, moving gently tracing backwards through a gift of leaves, Return to self, come to wholeness bring the world the truth the labyrinth sees. DistillationThere is so much truth.
I am no alchemist, distilling truth down to a single drop. That's your job. You cannot ask me to do it. Not that you will - you neither ask nor command but it comes out just the same. In any case, it is too hard this distillation of truth and undistilled, truth is too strong a drink for most. Besides, what would you do with it? A single drop to heal a broken world? Quail in a Pine Tree... and just when I thought there could not possibly be another, there was.
And so it continued until the pine tree was empty Except a tree is never really empty just full of something we haven't seen yet MidwiferyThese are not tears I write.
These poems do not tear and break me as I birth them These are surface poems. ripples on a lake a fluttering of leaves Not here the undertow, the mountain of rock Not here the crushing distortion between what is and what isn't This is only the forging of a key, not the writing of the willow and its owl's wisdom. It will require more than a spirit midwife to birth that truth Though the willow begs to differ PlaceI moved, and the poem disappeared
This, then, is not the place to write it so I must either return from whence I came or wait here for another to take its place Willow's GiftEmptied of the spirit I lay down
in warming sun on willow's hallowed ground the spirit shone and warmed me through and through and left me with another poem or two I drowsed in silence deep beneath the tree while sparrows chirped to keep me company and I wondered, as I listened to their joys how chirping could be stillness and not noise Till the willow roused herself enough to shake a leaf free for my spirit's sake and laid it gently, nestled on my heart a poem half-born, a shining yellow start Blinding ThirstSometimes a thirst for knowledge
blinds us to what we already know And blind, we cannot see through the earth to where tangled roots weave the great trees together Reminding them that they are one SmallnessLose touch with Love
- that beauty that moves through all things, and you become small: small of mind small of heart so very important to yourself. Time and time again in smallness you return to the Way it runs so strong draws you back to try again and again Knowing the Divine is not the struggle and so even not understanding you return and are embraced by Love. Journeying GriefI cannot begin to fathom your grief
We each walk our own journeys in our own ways I can be neither signpost, nor guide but know deeply that you will walk this path in the way that is right for you trust deeply that you will know what to do and when what to hold close and what to set free I cannot heal you but I can give you the gift of time. your mind your heart your soul they know the way through the darkness Let them be your guides And return to me when you are ready Walking CirclesIn the healing garden you can walk
circles Until you come back upon yourself and realize that you have been walking in a straight line all along. PossibilityOn a leaf
drops of water sparkled drab brown into crystal and my mind caught fire with possibility. PoetryWriting poetry isn't being silent
Poetry is loud, obnoxious Until you fall in the quite stillness of it and drop into the space between the words. BarometerEven without the poplar's warning
I can feel the rain coming The heavy cleansingness of it Pouring down out of the hills Cooling the scent of the air Another's ShoesWalk a mile in another's shoes
before you pass judgement Take off your shoes and walk barefoot on hallowed ground And the need for judgement disappears |
Many of these words were born or conceived on silent retreat at a place called Naramata Centre. If any of this has touched you or called you to a sacred moment, please consider giving a small gift so that Naramata Centre can maintain this ancient sacred space, and the programs offered there.
copyright 2012 ailsa flynne