Awakening: Nothing Can Separate
Lectio"Nothing can separate us from the Love that is God"
words so gently spoken a dagger in my heart finding grief where I thought there was none. I do not understand. I do not want to. Pray with Your Eyes OpenPray with your eyes open.
Speak the gentle bend of a willow branch as it reaches to caress your cheek Give words to the flight of the flicker the magpie the sparrows Utter the soft brown flutterings of the quail in their scurried quickness Praise the bejeweled leaves touched by last night's rain Whisper the greenness, the orangeness, the redness of the world around you. Pray with your eyes open And when they close, Listen. DifferenceYou can keep your pills and your platitudes
stop trying to make my brain work the way you think it should. We are different, that's all and if I don't fit with your way of viewing the world Pretend you don't see me It's easier for everyone that way. LandscapeThe rain
has painted a landscape on my patio - such depth, such tone, such beautiful use of light. Even the way the brick has been laid is perfect: carefully placed glass so I can still see through to the beauty beneath. Seed CapsuleLook deep
within this dried capsule See the darkness? that black seed? Look again - look further it blossoms in a flash of yellow and orange The lily lifting its face to the sun If you can't see it yet, be patient. Tend the seed gently Love it Water it Warm it Trust ... that it will appear Becoming SoupIf you hold your spoon
just so You can turn yourself upside-down and become soup. an interesting duality, but not one I favour. Beyond the VeilIt was in the passage of your birth that it began,
this slipping of veils and intermingling of tides. It was as you moved, gentled from death into birth that I saw the curtains lift and saw beyond to where existence was all there was to being and life and death had no part of it. For a moment I thought I had gone with you was there, beyond the world, looking back through a haze of unreality, then I realized that it was you who was looking back at me and with your second death I began to weep. Due ProcessSome poems can just be written
appearing like deer - fully formed and ready to run others can be laughed out, or cried giggling tearfully onto the page But some poems must be Ripped from the womb with great heaving sobs Leaving jagged tears, and becoming their own births. In the Hands of GodHow I wept when they said your name:
Dominick When they labeled you still-born son Still you were, and still was the only way they knew you But I I knew your life your joy all your tiny movements I knew you before you were named before we called you In the Hands of God There was nothing I could have done nothing I did i know But still i wonder why you chose to go Perhaps you would have stayed if i had loved you more? TeachingsDoes it really matter how we get a teaching?
whether someone gives it to us or we find it tucked into some leaves perhaps or hidden in a jaybird's wing. If our hearts are open full of spirit the teaching will be good no matter where it finds us. Meditatio"There is nothing that can separate us
from the Love that is God" so it is said and yet nothing is the only thing that does separate us from God even if God never separates from us. It is only in nothingness, in absence of becoming that we grow so big in our own eyes and turn God all around us into nothing And the great Light becomes darkness Lost Words"Your last child died."
The blunt force of your words shocked me from that nowhere world between labour and birth What gives you the right to tell me something I already know so deeply How dare you suggest so cruelly that I should follow your advice The force of your words shocked me But the words themselves have since been lost deep in a newborn's cry. ContemplatioThey are dark, those days
those days when we separate ourselves from God And I can see how earth would become hell If God ever chose to separate himself from us |
Many of these words were born or conceived on silent retreat at a place called Naramata Centre. If any of this has touched you or called you to a sacred moment, please consider giving a small gift so that Naramata Centre can maintain this ancient sacred space, and the programs offered there.
copyright 2012 ailsa flynne